Casting call for all young would-be actors, performers, and theatre hands, this summer’s Play! House experience at The Wilson Art Gallery and Museum is not to be missed.

A collage of imagesd showing the wilson playhouse design and children enjoying the space

A collage of images of The Wilson Playhouse design and interior of The Wilson Art Gallery and Museum.

Last year The Wilson in Cheltenham created Play! a series of interactive creative activities in its first-floor community art gallery for children during the summer holidays. The exhibition, which was free for families to attend and enjoy, was so successful and popular that it is coming back for this year’s summer school holiday with even more on offer.

Lisa Edgar, Director of Arts and Heritage at The Cheltenham Trust which manages The Wilson, said: “Creating interactive exhibitions like Play! House is a key part of our mission to welcome and encourage the community into The Wilson. Play! House offers families the opportunity to experience and explore the art gallery and museum through an inclusive, exciting theatre experience for children, somewhere they might not have visited before. Following the popularity of last summer’s Play event we have built on its success and are pleased to be bringing Play! House to Cheltenham, and the wider area, for this year’s long summer school holiday.”

Play! House transforms the community gallery into an immersive theatre set with costumes, music, props, and technical departments as well as a main stage. Children will perform, have fun, and learn through play. There will be something for everyone whether that’s dressing up and enjoying the limelight on the stage as a performer, setting and dressing the scene with background sets and props, or having a go at making music with percussion and sound effects.

Play! House is a free experience for children of all ages, from three to 14, and runs from Saturday 20 July to Sunday 8 September 2024. Play! House is a drop-in event and is open during The Wilson opening hours.

The event also includes two free workshops. Between Light and Shadow, on Tuesday 23 July, is a collaborative event creating large silhouette scenes of local histories. The workshop is for children aged six to 12 and 15 places are available, early booking is strongly advised.

The Building New Worlds workshop, on Tuesday 13 August, is for children aged eight to 14, who will create their own theatre-inspired miniature 3D stage sets incorporating iconic stories from Cheltenham and beyond, ideal for young people interested in theatre, costumes, art, design and crafts. Places are limited to 15 and early registration for both workshops is advised, to book your child’s place email [email protected]

Come and join The Wilson for a summer of theatre-themed creativity, exploration and fun.

Thank you to The Everyman Theatre and the children of Gardners Lane Primary School for supporting the project. 


Play House Exhibition At The Wilson
Free Event
The Wilson - side cafe space

Come and join The Wilson for a summer of theatre-themed creativity, exploration and fun.

The Wilson - Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum
Wilson Art Gallery cafe

The Wilson Art Gallery & Museum has an outstanding museum and art gallery with a programme of exciting temporary exhibitions and permanent galleries.



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